Extended Instruction
Nordstrom Catalyst Kids
(formerly Child Development Center or CDC)
Morgan Hill, CA – For over 50 years we have provided childcare services throughout the state of California. As Child Development Centers, we’ve supported communities across California – we’re proud to have made a positive difference in the life of each child, family, and community that we serve. With the same mission, values, and programming, we are excited to announce that we are now Catalyst Kids.
“We’re so proud of our history and to have worked with so many families across California for the past 50 years,” says Susan Dumars, President of Catalyst Family Inc., which will serve as the umbrella organization that will oversee Catalyst Kids as well as Catalyst Community (formerly Choices for Children) and Catalyst Camps (formally Young Set Club). “We’re beyond excited to kick off our next 50 as Catalyst Kids.”
Recent months have seen major challenges to childcare across the country as COVID-19 has created enormous uncertainty. Child Development Centers rose to the challenge to create safe, clean environments where we were able to serve families of front line and emergency workers, and later, more families across California. As Catalyst Kids, we will continue to provide that highest level of care as we continue to weather the COVID storm.
As a California non-profit agency, Catalyst Kids serves children and families predominantly in the greater Sacramento, San Jose, Oxnard, and Orange County areas – operating over 160 private and subsidized childcare centers. Catalyst Kids will continue an unmatched, licensed care for the children of our communities, and we’ll inspire kids to shine every day. We’ll support busy families by providing a safe place where happy kids meet hands-on learning.
1425 East Dunne Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Center Phone: (408) 778-2821
Center Email: center50558@catalystkids.org
Enrollment Specialist: (800) 763-1731
Enrollment: Enrollment@catalystkids.org
On-Site Location: Murphy Avenue & East Dunne Avenue
Hours: 7:00a.m. - 6:00p.m.
License Number: 434400227 & 430709506